Louis Tax Solutions, Inc.
helping the people you know since 1999

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Louis Tax Solutions

your solutions for tax preparation

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Welcome to Louis Tax Solutions, L.L.C.

Small Business Entities and Self-Employed Individuals

Organizations identifed in this category will submit IRS Form 1040 or 1040-SR,
Schedule C, E, F, and / or Form 2106. as a small business with assets under $10,000,000.

Non Profit / Charity Organization submission of IRS Form 990

This type of filing depends on the size of your organization and the amount of gross receipts.  Louis Tax Solutions is available to assist with the filing requirements removing the stress involved in the completion thereof.


As your dedicated income tax preparer and electronic file originator,
Louis Tax Solutions  will operate within the confines of current tax laws to prepare and submit your assessments in a professional and timely manner. All computations will be confirmed to conform in your best interest.


State and local tax filings are prepared in conjunction with federal taxes to offer seamless filing whether you prefer submission by eFile or via mail.

turbotax Verified Pro

Click on the image above to connect with turbotax (Louis Tax Solution) direct link.

Federal Income Tax Preparation

With our ever changing laws dictating our complicated tax codes, it can be very difficult to sustain the ability to prepare your own taxes.  Louis Tax Solutions, Inc. has trained preparers to help file your required federal forms and schedules to submit during our annual tax filing season.   Maximizing your refund, Louis Tax Solutions is here to assist you in the personal manner that you deserve.

State Income Tax

As a preparer and electronic file originator, Louis Tax Solutions will work within the confines of all state tax laws to prepare and submit your state taxes in a timely and professional manner. All in the effort to obtain the highest refund possible per each client's taxing situation.


Efiling or electronic filing is submitting your income tax returns online directly to the IRS.  It reduces the time expended between submission and receipt of your refund.  Of course, if you owe the Governent, your payment can be drafted from the account of your choice. 

There are free methods to complete and file your tax requirements.  However, that process will not in most cases provide the best service maximizing your refund from the IRS. LOUIS TAX SOLUTIONS offers services assisting clients in homes and small businesses overcome the burden of the perceived "scientific how-how."


Contact LOUIS TAX SOLUTIONS for any question you may have about our company and service.
